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Teen Nationals 2019

July 20, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

***Registration is now CLOSED***

***National Log Records on the line***



(Strongman Corp. membership REQUIRED of all competitors, and will be available at the show)

Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/events/358127298099691/

Promoter- Paul Mouser & Jerry Handley

Date/Time- Saturday 7/20. Action begins at 12:00pm

Location- Braxton County High School, 200 Jerry Burton Dr. , Sutton, WV 26601

Weigh-ins-    Friday 5pm – 8pm at the school

        Saturday 8:00am-11:00am at the school

*It will be important to get as many as possible weighed in on Friday. If you will not be able to make the Friday weigh-in, you may weigh-in Saturday at the school but you may have to sit and wait a few minutes until we can free someone up to get you on the scale.*

Rules/Safety Briefing- 11:00am. This meeting is mandatory.


TEEN only

Weight Classes-

Women’s LW 0-120, 121-140, MW 141-160, 161-180, HW 181-200, 201+

Men’s Open LW 0-150 & 151-175,  MW 176-200, 201-231,  HW 232-265, 266-300, 301+

Awards- Viking themed awards for 1st places and Viking medals for 2nd and 3rd

Entry- $100 for all divisions. Must have Strongman Corporation membership card present or YOU CAN PURCHASE MEMBERSHIPS AT THE SHOW with cash or check. $25 late fee kicks in Friday July 5th.


Hotel- your choice, Days Inn is the closest

Contact Info– email kozbeesemail@yahoo.com, phone (304) 614-5291



Events (subject to change)- Max Log, Max Block Over Bar, Hercules Hold, Truck Pull, Stone Carry & Load.           Event order may be determined by groupings.       Stay tuned to the website and FB page for details.

***MUST WEAR CONTEST TEE – may remove sleeves if desired***



Max Log Press


Max Block Over Bar Deep Waters Hercules Hold (per hand) Truck Pull Stone Carry & Load



LWW Teen





80/10 at 44”






95, 115, 130


MWW Teen





80/10 at 44”






95, 115, 130, 150


HWW Teen





80/10 at 44”






115, 130, 150, 175


LW Men’s Teen





120/20-30        at 48”






130, 150, 175, 200


MW Men’s Teen





120/20-30        at 48”






150, 175, 200, 220



HW Men’s Teen




120/20-30        at 48”












175, 200, 220, 240



Max Log Press

  • NATIONAL RECORDS will be on the line
  • 60sec to produce a successful lift. You may push, pull, kick, scream, and dance all you want in that 60sec to produce a good lift. If that 60sec expires and you have not produced a good lift, you are out.
  • We will take openers during warmups. 3 attempts will be allowed to reach a top weight, but if you miss, you’re out.
  • Athlete must wait for down command.
  • To receive down command, knees must be locked; feet stationary, not staggered, and within shoulder width; hips extended; upright posture; elbows locked; implement must be motionless to demonstrate control. Pressing with a “layback” technique is fine, however posture must be upright at lockout to receive the down command.
  • Dropping the implement will result in a “no lift” call. Object must be controlled to the ground. This is not easy, but clear effort must be made to control the descent.
  • Sleeves, one belt, and wrist wraps are legal.
  • No tacky (if that wasn’t obvious).


Max Mouser Block Over Bar

  • 60sec to produce a successful lift. You may push, pull, kick, scream, and dance all you want in that 60sec to produce a good lift. If that 60sec expires and you have not produced a good lift, you are out.
  • Blocks start on floor, and must be hoisted over a yoke bar. 44” for ladies, 48” for the fellows.
  • We will take openers during warmups. 3 attempts will be allowed to reach a top weight, but if you miss, you’re out.
  • Ladies use the Mini-Block, gentlemen use the big Block.
  • Sleeves legal. One belt is allowed. No rubberized clothing. No sticky gooey substances of any kind.
  • Mouser Blocks available at www.mouserpower.com/mouser-block/


Deep Waters Hercules Hold

  • Athletes will hold as long as possible; longest time wins.
  • Revolving handles
  • No grip aids allowed. Chalk is legal.


Stone Carry & Load

  • Athletes will have 60sec to carry and load up to 4 stones over a bar
  • Women’s bar will be set to 44” and men’s 48”
  • Athlete will start with a hand on the yoke bar prior to the start command
  • The 1st stone will be 14ft from the bar, 2nd stone at 18ft, 3rd stone at 22ft, and the fourth stone at 26ft
  • Drop are legal, however rolling the stone is not. Any intentional rolling or failed attempt to stop the stone from rolling after a drop will result in the referee commanding the athlete to roll the stone back to the original drop point.
  • Stones must be carried in front of the body; shouldered carries are specifically disallowed, as are devices that may aid in the carry.
  • No sticky or gooey substances of any kind may be used. No Loctite, no tacky, no tacky towels, or whatever the cool kids are using nowadays. This a raw stone event and we will lift them like our ancestors did.
  • Belt, sleeves, forearm tape, and leather forearm gauntlets are legal. Rubberized gear is not.


Truck Pull

  • 60sec time limit to cover the 75ft course. Harness and hand rope style.
  • Everyone will use the same harness. Please do not pester me about using your own harness. I won’t budge. In 9 years, probably 13 contests, and countless training sessions with 110 pound ladies all the way up to 400+lb men, no one has ever “come out” of the harness in mid-pull. The only way to accomplish that would be to literally stop pulling and move backward to create slack while letting your arms hang down to the side and slumping your shoulders. If you do that, you didn’t want to win anyway.
  • Fastest time wins.
  • You may assign your own “rope handler” if you wish, if not, one will be provided for you


General Rules/Usual Mouser Stuff

  • In the event of a tie in the final standings, 1st place finishes will decide the winner. If there is still a tie, then 2nd place finishes will be the determinant, and so on. If a tie cannot be broken this way, athletes will compete head to head in a
  • Sportsmanship is expected and required. This is the greatest sport in the world, let’s keep it that way.
  • There will be a pre-event prayer. No one is expected to participate, so please do not feel obligated. All we ask is to be respectful of those that do or do not wish to participate.
  • This is a drug free contest. If you are juiced feel free to come cheer on your buddies but please do not bother to sign up.
  • If you have a question, please ask! I would rather take a minute to clarify something than to see someone have a poor showing due to a misunderstanding.


Teen Nationals 2019

In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and my assignees, waive, and release all rights and damages I may have against Paul Mouser, Jerry Handley, Strongman Corp., Dione Masters, The City of Morgantown, The City of Sutton, Braxton County, Braxton County High School, Viking Performance Training LLC, Carol Atkins, Commercial Development, and all sponsors of the event, their representatives and assigns, for any and all injuries incurred by me in conjunction with this competition and in traveling to and from the event. And in further consideration of permission being granted to me to participate in the Teen Nationals and its related events, I hereby grant Strongman Corp. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents, successors, licensees, and assigns, the right to photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance, and name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit any and all media, including without limitation, by means of still photography, motion pictures, radio, television, television motion pictures, video, printing or any other medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising, and/or publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with any of the foregoing. The rights granted by me hereunder are granted for the entire universe and shall endure in perpetuity and no further compensation shall be payable to me at anytime in connection therewith. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate Strongman Corp., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to photograph or otherwise reproduce my voice, appearance or name, or to make use of any rights granted herein. I also understand that the aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent. I understand that Strongman Corp., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance upon foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to Strongman Corp. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization hereunder. Therefore I affix my signature below:

  • Contestant's Name
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please enter your date of birth.
  • Your best contact phone
  • Example: 5ft 11in
  • Help us tag you in event-related posts!
  • Ladies or unisex
  • Ladies select class here. Men see below.
  • Men select class here. Ladies see above.
  • If 18 or older you may list yourself
  • If 18 or older, you may list your own number again here
  • Bio Sheet

    Bio Sheet (please complete, the audience would like to meet you!)
  • This is where you pay
  • $0.00
  • Clear Signature
    Legal Guardian signature if under 18


July 20, 2019
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Paul Mouser and Jerry Handley
304 614 5291
View Organizer Website


Braxton County High School
200 Jerry Burton Dr.
Sutton, WV 26601 United States
+ Google Map