March 14, 2015 Test of the Einherjar… This will be a full SUPERTOTAL meet! The full supertotal Test will consist of the two Olympic Weightlifting events, the snatch and the clean and jerk. These will not be sanctioned, but will be judged near sanctioned standards. Immediately following will be a non-sanctioned Powerlifting meet consisting of squat, bench press, and deadlift.
Competition in either only the Olympic Weightlifting or Powerlifting portions is allowed, but for the full Test of the Einherjar, the Supertotal must be completed!
The Einherjar were the chosen warriors of Odin, the valiant dead taken to his hall to train during the day to death…be reborn…and feast at night, until the end of the world! Do you have the fortitude that takes???
Viking Performance Training Presents
The 1st Annual “Test of the Einherjar”
Supertotal Meet (Weightlifting + Powerlifting)
Promoter- Jay Handley / Paul Mouser
Date/Time- March 14th, the Test begins at 9:30am.
Location- Viking Performance Training, 139 Greenbag Rd., Morgantown WV 26501
Hotel- Clarion Hotel Morgan 127 High Street Morgantown, WV US, 26505-5412 +1 (304) 292-8200
Weigh-ins- Friday 5:00-7:00pm, Saturday 7:00-8:00am. Rules/Safety Briefing- 8:30am. This meeting is mandatory.
Teen (Male and Female Division, but must compete in all 5 to qualify for trophy)
Women’s 0-105, 105-120, 121-135, 136-150, 151-165, 166-180, 181+
Men’s 0-120, 121-140, 141-160, 161-180, 181-200, 201-220, 221-240, 241+
Master’s Women 0-140, 141-160, 161-180, 181+
Master’s Men 0-150, 150-180, 181-220, 221+
Competitors may opt not to weigh in, but are not eligible for the Best Lifter award (as it depends on bodyweight).
Awards- Viking themed awards for Best Male and Female Teen Lifter and the following Male & Female: Best Lifter, Best Weightlifting Total, Best Powerlifting Total, Best Snatch, Best Clean and Jerk, Best Squat, Best Bench Press, Best Deadlift.
Entry- $50 (or $52 online). No memberships are necessary. Entries must be post marked by NO LATER THAN MONDAY, March 1st. $25 late charge. Includes t-shirt. Late entries are not guaranteed a shirt. Day of entries are $85 and include a stern talking to and pamphlet about decision making. Additional shirts will be available for purchase. Online payment coming soon at
Checks and entry forms to- Viking Performance Training LLC, 139 Greenbag Rd., Morgantown, WV 26501
Contact Info– Jay Handley: email, phone (304) 216-7496 OR Paul Mouser: (304) 614-5291
Event Rules (listed in order of contest*)
* Multiple flights may be held at same time, which may cause a different order of lifts for some classes; this will only occur if there is a very large number of lifters
Typical order will be Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift.
There will be 3 attempts each lift; attempts may not be lower than the previous attempt.
Weightlifting and Powerlifting flights will be used for each half of the contest, respectively! This means that during the Snatch and Clean & Jerk portion of the event, attempts will be progressed based on amount of weight lifted, so YOU MAY FOLLOW YOURSELF. A 2:00 break is allowed if a lifter has 2 attempts in a row. For powerlifting portion, athletes will maintain the same flight order by weight class through all lifts and attempts.
As long as it remains possible with the number of lifters, the following equipment will be used- Bearing Men (20kg) and Women’s (15kg) Olympic bars and kilo bumper plates for Snatch & Clean and Jerk, Texas Squat or Texas Power Bar for Squat, Texas Power Bar for Bench Press, Texas Deadlift or Texas Power Bar for Deadlifts. Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift will all compete using iron plates.
Snatch and Clean & Jerks may be contested in increments as low as 1.0kg. Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift may be contested in increments as low as 2.5lb (we have 1 1/4 lb plates).
Snatch- The lifter will take the bar from ground to overhead in one single motion; arms must be locked and feet in parallel stance with straight legs, showing control of lift before the lift is complete. No part of the lifter other than the feet may touch the ground. Once bar begins upward movement there may not be any stopping of barbell’s upward motion. Pressing the barbell overhead will be dismissal of the lift. Contact of the bar with the head will cause a bad lift. When lowering the bar, the bar must be lowered under control at least to the minimum of the shoulders (hands stay in contact with bar). Dropping the bar from above the shoulders will result in an incorrect lift.
Clean & Jerk- The lifter will take the bar from ground to shoulder/chest in one single motion. Bar will then be jerked overhead in one single motion. A Press IS allowed (if it’s good enough for Paul Anderson, it’s good enough for us!). No part of the lifter other than the feet may touch the ground. Once bar begins upward movement there may not be any stopping of bar’s upward motion. The barbell must not touch the chest until it’s final motion on the clean. During the clean the elbows or upper arms may not touch the thighs. Only one jerk effort per clean is allowed. The athlete MUST be motionless before starting the jerk.
Squat- Lifter will communicate to head judge, after walking the barbell out, that they are ready to begin. Judge will give “squat” command. Lifter squats to or below parallel and stands back up, without moving the feet. Judge will call “rack” command after lifter is motionless.
Bench Press- Lifter will approach bench when given the command get ready, then unrack the barbell with or without a spotter. Once spotter has removed contact and bar is motionless, judge will give “Lift” command and bar will be lowered to chest. Bar must be motionless on chest before judge gives “Press” command and lifter presses weight up. Once bar is motionless at arms’ length, judge will give the “Rack” command.
Deadlift- Once judge gives “Lift” command, lifter may approach the bar and deadlift with any foot placement. Lifter may not hitch and bar may not have downward movement. At full extension the lifter and bar must become motionless, and then judge will give the “Down” command. The lifter MUST maintain control of the bar on the way down.
Singlets are NOT required. Lift in whatever you’re comfortable in, so long as it’s not offensively minded! Shirts are required for all lifts, shoes are required for all lifts EXCEPT deadlifts (socks only are allowable). Calf length socks MUST be worn for deadlifts.
Weightlifting belts, wrist wraps, knee sleeves are allowed. No lifting straps or knee wraps (note this is to minimize gear which may directly increase the force output).
General Rules
Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting supertotal!