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A Viking Halloween III

November 5, 2016 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

If slipping into a Batman costume and tossing a 300lb pumpkin over a yoke bar sounds like a good time to you, then this is your contest!


Viking Performance Training Presents

The 3rd Annual “A Viking Halloween”

(Strongman Corp. membership REQUIRED of all competitors)

(costumes also REQUIRED)

Sponsored by Rider Pharmacy

Promoter- Paul Mouser & Jay Handley

Date/Time- Saturday, Nov. 5st . Action begins at 5pm. That’s right – night time meet!

Location- Viking Performance Training, 139 Greenbag Rd, Morgantown, WV 26501

Weigh-ins- 10am-11am and 3pm-4pm. Athletes MUST be present by 4pm regardless.

Rules/Safety Briefing- 4:00pm. This meeting is mandatory.


Kids’ division will be held if there is interest!

Novice & Masters for men & women will be offered for each class. Novice & Masters weights will be one level below the equivalent Open class. Ask me if you have questions please!

Women’s LW 0-120, & 121-140, MW 141-160, & 161-180, HW 181-200, & 201+

Men’s Open SMF 0-150, LW 151-175, MW 176-200 & 201-231,  HW 232-265 & 266-300, SHW 301+

Consolidation of some classes is very, very likely. Men’s Open  divisions must have at least 5 competitors to ensure a qualifying spot for Nationals. I will do my best not to consolidate!

Awards- Viking themed awards for 1st-3rd

Entry- $50. Must have NAS membership card present or YOU CAN PURCHASE MEMBERSHIPS AT THE SHOW with cash or check. Entries must be post marked by NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, Friday, Oct 21st. $25 late charge. Includes t-shirt. Late entries are not guaranteed a shirt. Additional shirts will be available for purchase.

Online entry and payment at:      www.vikingperformancetraining.com

Spectator fee – $5, kids under 12 free

Checks and entry forms to- Paul Mouser, 1465 Barry St, Fairmont, WV, 26554.

Contact Info– Paul Mouser: email kozbeesemail@yahoo.com, phone (304) 614-5291, OR

Jay Handley: (304) 216-7496


(Events subject to change and weights are approx.)

***In addition to my legendary Pumpkin Stones, I am working on a special new stone just for this meet. I am not 100% sure how it will be utilized yet, but please don’t stress it; this is all for FUN! Details will be announced as they come at www.vikingperformancetraining.com and on our FB page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1043536272350073/***


Novice and Masters classes are one “level” lighter than their Open class equivalents on this chart. Teens are two levels lighter.

DIVISION Viking Press Chain Drag Deadlift (light/med/hvy) Sandbags Stone Over Bar
LWW Nov/Masters 105 170, 170, 350 135/185/275 65,100,125 95, 95, 115, 115
LWW 125 170, 350, 350 185/225/315 100,125,140 95, 95, 115, 115
MWW 145 350 x 3  225/275/365 125,140,165 115, 135, 150, Pumpkin
HWW 165 350 x 3 275/315/405 125,140,165 135, 150, 175, Pumpkin
150 185 350, 350, 500 275/315/405 140,165,180 135, 150, 175, Pumpkin
175 215 350, 350, 500 315/365/455 165,180,200 150, 175, Pumpkin, 220
200 245 350, 500, 500 365/405/500 180,200,220 175, Pumpkin, 220, 240
231 265 500, 500, 700 405/455/550 200,220,240 220, 240, 275, Pumpkin
HW 285 500, 700, 870 455/500/600 220,240,280 220, 240, 275, Pumpkin


Jack the Repper (Viking Press)

  • 60sec to complete as many bloody reps as possible
  • Athlete must wait for a down signal or his/her rep will not count and they may be burned at the stake
  • Handles must return to starting press position before beginning next rep, with the handles at shoulder level. For those with shoulder/arm mobility issues, please consult with the referee beforehand.
  • Elbows and knees must be locked; hips extended; feet stationary, non-staggered, and heels within shoulder width to receive a down command
  • Sleeves, one belt, and wrist wraps legal. Not legal: knee wraps, suits, witch brooms

Drag Me to Hell (Chain Drag Medley)

  • Athletes will have 75sec to drag 3 different sets of giant chains across the course
  • Chains must be dragged in order, and as specified. Example: a 700lb drag is made of two chains that must be dragged together
  • Entire chain must cross the line before the athlete can move onto the next chain. Referee will give a verbal and visual signal when this occurs. Spirits may be summoned for motivation.
  • Equipment allowed: sleeves, wrist wraps, one belt. No straps, hooks, knee wraps, sticky crap.

Dawn of the Deadlift

  • Athlete will have 60sec to do as many reps as possible in the deadlift
  • Athlete may choose any bar to begin with, however once an attempt is made on a particular bar, the athlete may only go from heavier to lighter, and may not go “up” in weight. Example: Rosco chooses to start on the medium bar, hits 5 reps, then goes to the light bar and hit 5 more. Rosco may not attempt the heaviest bar because he started on the medium bar.
  • Touch and go reps are fine but if you slam the bar like a moron you may be subject to DQ.
  • Reps on the heavier bar will “trump” any number of reps on the lighter bar. Example: Bob hits 20 reps on the lighter bar, and Jim hits one rep on the heavier bar – Jim beats Bob! If Clark hits 1 heavy bar and 4 on the light bar, then Mark nails 2 on the heavy bar and 0 on the light bar, Mark wins. If the reps are equal on the heavy bar, then the reps on the light bar would serve as a tie breaker.
  • Equipment allowed: usual Mouser rules except… straps ARE legal. If your nose bleeds, vampires will aid with clean up.

Bring Out Your Dead (Sandbag and Wheelbarrow)

  • Athlete will have 60sec to load 3 cadavers (sandbags) into the meat wagon (wheelbarrow) and then carry the barrow across the course.
  • Sandbags will be stationed bordering the wheelbarrow and must be lifted and placed into the barrow in the specified order. Each bag will have a designated bay it must be loaded into.
  • The barrow will be lifted and carried only after all the sandbags have been properly placed in it, and the course will be ~40ft
  • One drop is allowed before the finish line, and a 10sec slide rule penalty applies
  • Fastest time wins. Credit will be given for distance or number of bags loaded for those that do not finish.
  • Abusing the equipment may be grounds for DQ from the event and possible from the contest entirely. These means some attempt must be made to control the wheelbarrow after the finish line is crossed. For the sake of the parking lot and equipment, please do not slam or just let go of the handles.
  • Equipment allowed: usual stuff. No straps.

Jack-O-Lantern Over Bar (Atlas Stones)

  • An increasingly heavy series of “pumpkins” (stones) must be loaded over the bar at 48in.
  • 60sec time limit. Fastest time wins.
  • Equipment allowed: sleeves, belt, tape, leather forearm gauntlets. Not allowed: tacky, stick um, ectoplasm, rubber shirts.


General Rules/Usual Mouser Stuff

  • In the event of a tie in the final standings, a tie breaker event will be held. No countback unless absolutely necessary!
  • Sportsmanship is expected and required. This is the greatest sport in the world, let’s keep it that way.
  • There will be a pre-event prayer. No one is expected to participate, so please do not feel obligated. All we ask is to be respectful of those that do or do not wish to participate.
  • This is a drug free contest. If you are juiced feel free to come cheer on your buddies but please do not bother to sign up.
  • If you have a question, please ask! I would rather take a minute to clarify something than to see someone have a poor showing due to a misunderstanding.

A Viking Halloween! 2016

In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and my assignees, waive, and release all rights and damages I may have against Paul Mouser, Strongman Corp., Dione Wessels, The City of Morgantown, Viking Performance Training, and all sponsors of the event, their representatives and assigns, for any and all injuries incurred by me in conjunction with this competition and in traveling to and from the event. And in further consideration of permission being granted to me to participate in the A Viking Halloween and its related events, I hereby grant Strongman Corp. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents, successors, licensees, and assigns, the right to photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance, and name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit any and all media, including without limitation, by means of still photography, motion pictures, radio, television, television motion pictures, video, printing or any other medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising, and/or publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with any of the foregoing. The rights granted by me hereunder are granted for the entire universe and shall endure in perpetuity and no further compensation shall be payable to me at anytime in connection therewith. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate Strongman Corp., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to photograph or otherwise reproduce my voice, appearance or name, or to make use of any rights granted herein. I also understand that the aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent. I understand that Strongman Corp., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance upon foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to Strongman Corp. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization hereunder. Therefore I affix my signature below:

  • Contestant's Name
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please enter your date of birth.
  • Your best contact phone
  • Example: 5ft 11in
  • Ladies or unisex
  • Ladies select class here. Men see below.
  • Men select class here. Ladies see above.
    Open, Novice, Masters, Teen
  • Bio Sheet

    Bio Sheet (please complete, the audience would like to meet you!)
  • Please list imediate family members.
  • This is where you pay
  • $75.00


November 5, 2016
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Jerry Handley
(304) 216-7496
View Organizer Website


Viking Performance Training
141 Greenbag Road
Morgantown, 26501 United States
+ Google Map
(304) 216-7496
View Venue Website