With the overwhelming success of the first Strong Kids Competition and the StrongKids Open House, we present the 2nd installment of the local StrongKids Competitions- Halloween style!
A StrongKids Halloween will be held Sunday, October 23, from 2-5pm.
Bring the kids for a great time competing showing and testing their true strength… and since it’s Halloween, in costume!
Kids being strong, being active, and most importantly- having a great time. Viking-themed trophies and medals for 1st through 3rd, as well as traditional and healthier Halloween treats and contest shirts for everyone who signs up at least a week before the competition!
Age groups are as follows…
6 and 7 years
8-10 years
11-13 years
**If you have a child who is 4 or 5 and they have an older sibling competing, they may enter as well!
We will be competing in 4 events:
1) Prowler Sled Push for Max Distance in 60 seconds
2) Medicine Ball Overhead – Kettlebell Carry – Sandbag Over Bar Medley
3) Standing Arm Over Arm Rope Pull (sled attached)
4) Surprise event #4!!!
Entry fee: $25.00
Also be prepared for a few door prizes and costume prizes!
The competition begins at 2:00pm, but please have your kids at the gym by 1:30 so that we are able to go over the rules and events.
Contact information:
Micki Pauley: Micki@MickiLifestyle.com
Jerry Handley: Theicedwarrior@hotmail.com
In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and my assignees, waive, and release all rights and damages I may have against Jerry Handley, Micki Pauley, Micki Lifestyle LLC, The City of Morgantown, Viking Performance Training LLC, Carol Atkins, Commercial Land Development, and all sponsors of the event, their representatives and assigns, for any and all injuries incurred by me in conjunction with this competition and in traveling to and from the event. And in further consideration of permission being granted to me to participate in the Strong Kids Competition. I hereby grant Viking Performance Training and Micki Lifestyle and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents, successors, licensees, and assigns, the right to photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance, and name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit any and all media, including without limitation, by means of still photography, motion pictures, radio, television, television motion pictures, video, printing or any other medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising, and/or publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with any of the foregoing. The rights granted by me hereunder are granted for the entire universe and shall endure in perpetuity and no further compensation shall be payable to me at anytime in connection therewith. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate Viking Performance Training, Micki Lifestyle, and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to photograph or otherwise reproduce my voice, appearance or name, or to make use of any rights granted herein. I also understand that the aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent. I understand that Viking Performance Training, Micki Lifestyle, and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance upon foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to Viking Performance Training LLC, Micki Lifestyle LLC, and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization hereunder. Therefore I affix my signature below: